

I am passionate about being passionate.  So much in fact, when we started a Couple’s Small Group (through our church), the ‘Ice Breaker’ question I picked to ask everyone this week was, “What are you passionate about?”  Although I’ve had days to think about my answer, I know it’s going to be hard to limit myself to one answer.

For me, I am over-the-top passionate about showering my kids with love and affection, my family, photography and food.  That’s why, after 5 days of photographing many wonderful subjects, this first blog post from Arizona is simply about my obsessions. 

If you’re one of the lucky people who have experienced this beautiful sight first-hand, you’ll understand why IN-N-OUT Burger was my first stop in Arizona.  This is a Double-Double, Animal-Style (extra sauce and grilled onions)...bDSC_0301

When arriving, I received an email from Matthew to have a burger for him.  The next day, someone else sent me the same message.  Sooo… I assumed they were both serious.  IN-N-OUT Burger two days in a row?  No problem!  (Don’t you love how they ask if you’ll be eating in the car?  It’s like they KNOW how humanly impossible it would be to drive home without pulling it out of the bag.)  In case you didn’t get enough with the first visit…
Someone ask me what my favorite part of the trip was.  Without hesitation, I told her how much I loved photographing the students at New Way.  I’ve done many, many projects for this school and each time I come back, the kids and I seem to have more and more fun together. 
The biggest project I had during this trip was also the one I looked most forward to!  

I think most of you would agree on all of the ‘UN’s that are associated with standard school photos: 
UN-natural, UN-flattering and UN-comfortable.  

I was over-the-top happy to offer something for the parents and students that will not only look great in a yearbook, but also in their family’s homes and wallets too. 
If you’re a parent checking in, your child’s gallery will be posted soon. 
To view later this week, go to my website: 

  • Click on ‘website’
  • Click on “VIEW PROOFS’
  • password is your student’s homeroom teacher’s last name

If you have any questions about packages, Story Boards or orders, you may email ( or call  me @ 770-639-0598.

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The Girl with a Million Faces

Although I was a little bummed about Ross starting pre-school this year, I have really enjoyed having Rayna to myself a few hours during the day.  Some days we get a lot accomplished, but most are spent cuddling back at home with her saying, “Ross… skool” every 30 minutes.   This week, however, I had a plan.  

I had visited a new location one evening last week as the sun was going down.  Although I loved it then, I wanted to see it one more time in daylight before I started booking clients there.  I decided to make the trip once more with my sister, Rayna, my camera and 2 bags of snacks.     

I could have stayed there all day taking pictures of Rayna… 

Even though she can be pretty shy around strangers, she has one of the funniest and silliest personalities when she’s around family…
I love this picture because it shows off those sweet ‘baby-rolls’ on her arms and feet.  I know these baby features will disappear soon.  But having them now simply proves what I find myself telling Matthew and Ross at least five times a day, “Be easy on her!  She’s just a baby!”

Yes, she IS a natural poser.  (I never prompt her to do anything.  Like it would work anyways… she’s not even 2 years old!)
Yes, that IS a blue M&M in her open mouth.  (It adds character to the picture, right?)

She insist that Matthew paint her toenails several times each week.  Sometimes he’s guilty of rushing through her bi-weekly pedicure.  I think she just found a spot that needs touching-up… 

Thanks to my sweet girly-girl.  I have about a hundred more I’d love to post tonight, but it’s time to pack for Arizona!  I love you, Rayna-Claire-Bear.

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Fair Junkie

I was in denial for a while, but it’s time to face the facts…
I’m a fair junkie.

I’ve never been able to resist the combined smell of grease, popcorn and cow manure.  From the food, lights, livestock and energy… what’s NOT to love?  

For over 2 months, I’ve had “FAIR w/ ROSS!” writen in my organizer on today’s date.  I blocked this day for sessions in case we decided to go early and stay late.  All week, we had been talking about all the rides we were going to ride and foods we were going to eat.  Since it’s been raining so much lately, I even started checking the weather a week leading up to our special day. 

As we got completely soaked this morning going to yardsales, I had to face reality.  The fair was going to be rained-out this year.

Before feeding two sleepy kids lunch, Matthew blessed our food and prayed that the weather would clear-up after their naps where we could enjoy the fair together later that evening.  Two hours later, although the rain had not stopped, Matthew was eager to continue on with our fair plans.

Without being negative, I tried to explain how going to the fair in the rain really wouldn’t be a lot of fun for anyone.  Without skipping a beat, he pulls out his, Ross’ and Rayna’s cowboy boots and blue jeans.  Following his lead, I got my boots on and grabbed my camera.

We got on the road…  The rain started to stop.
We got to the fair…  The rain stopped completely

Although it may look like it, the wet seats didn’t bother Ross at all!  He was so happy to be at the fair.
Rayna is more like me.  She could take or leave the rides.  But give her a corn dog and you’re speaking her language!bDSC_0238

There are several of advantages to going to the fair after a week of rain:  a surplus of mud puddles to jump in + getting to ride each ride solo.

 I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that Rayna is as sweet-as-sugar, right?  Also, I’ve blogged about how wonderful her kisses are.  This is just one example.  She does this stuff all day long…

As we pulled into the garage after our day at the fair, Ross quietly says from the back seat, “Daddy?  Thank you for taking me to the fair today.”    


If only Ross knew what a treat it is for us to get to experience these moments with him.  Whether it’s his excitement the first time he witnesses ‘Space Roller’ or his facial expressions as he tries scarfs-down that hot funnel cake, I want Ross to know we enjoy these moments as much, if not more, than him!

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Free Watermelons

My sessions normally don’t end with me sitting in my client’s kitchen eating-up all their fresh fruit.  However, that’s what happened on Friday.  Although I had never met Peggy and Joe prior to our session, from the minute I walked into their house, they treated me like family.  As I packed-up my camera at the end of our session, Joe not only insisted that I sit down as he cut up a huge bowl of home-grown watermelons for me to eat, he also began loading the back of my car with two that he’d grown himself.  I REALLY love this family! bDSC_0433n

When Jake told me what his birthday present was, I told him to go get him!  He needed to be in some of the pictures too.bDSC_0457n
More pictures of their animals…

One more of Zach…
and Zach’s pretty girlfriend, Kim…
and Jake…
I don’t know how it’s happened, but I’ve already finished all of your other images!  Your gallery should be loaded by Monday.  Thanks again for the watermelons and for inviting me out to your beautiful house for family photographs.

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Happy 4th Birthday, Ross!

bDSC_0264n1As I drove to my parent’s house to decorate for Ross’ 4th birthday, I cried.  It wasn’t one of those pretty, single-tear-trickle-down, cry.  It was a mascara-running, nose-blowing, border-line-sobbing, ugly cry.

I was all alone in my car that day when my favorite song (from my favorite children’s CD) came on.  All I could do was humbly thank God for Ross.   I value every second with him and never want to take him for granted.

I don’t put a lot of pictures of Ross on my blog because, quite honestly, he doesn’t like to be photographed.  However, anyone who knows me, knows that Ross is my LIFE.  The first words out of his mouth every morning is, “Mama- I need you.”  There are also the last words he whispers as I’m crawling out of his bunk-bed each night.  I love every single thing about Ross. 

His birthday was simple and perfect.  He was surrounded by his family who all love him so much.  Happy Birthday, Ross! 

Rayna, on the otherhand…
NOT camera-shy at all!bDSC_0118

The picture below best describes my time with Ross.  We laugh, cuddle, pretend fight and kiss.  Although I realize this isn’t going to go over well in pre-school, he makes me laugh when he jokes around and says things like, “Mama- I’m gonna’ take you down to China Town!’  I’m blaming GiGi (my mom) for teaching him those fighting words!  He LOVES to play with her too!  Untitled-1
We decided to take my parent’s boat out one last time for the summer.  Swimming is fun, but cookies are the best. bDSC_0064n

Even though her curls curl-up and often look like mini buns, I STILL love her hair in pig-tails!  bDSC_0037n

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3 Years Later…

When the car door opened on Sunday, I was greeted with oa HUUUGE hug.  Turns out, Ethan was as happy to see me as I was to see him!  When I first photographed Ethan 3 years ago, I remember coming home and showing Matthew my camera saying, “Isn’t this little boy soooooo cute!??!”  (I’ll post a picture of him from 2006 at the end!) 

Obviously, I was delighted when his mom found out I moved back to Georgia and scheduled another session.  This time, I got to photograph Ethan AND his brother, Will.  Enough writing, I have a lot of images to post!

I love seeing siblings hug!  (I love it so much, I makeencourage’ Ross & Rayna to hug one another each night before they go to bed.)   bDSC_0128

What a sweetheart!  One of the easiest children I’ve ever photographed…
Before our session, Cindy made it very clear I had a challenge in front of me.  She told me that, not only does Will not smile, but he runs away from the camera.  Although I did get plenty of smiles from Will during our session, I actually really liked his seriousness in this image. 
Now on to some smiles of the boys together…bDSC_0023
Who can resist a little boy with a freckles on his nose?  bDSC_0218bDSC_0214bDSC_0384bwbDSC_0320bDSC_0152bDSC_0205bDSC_0098bDSC_0399nbDSC_0184
As promised, here’s Ethan years back…  (Wasn’t he a doll?!?!) 

John & Cindy- Thanks for asking me to photograph your boys!  I look forward to more sessions with your family!

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On the Lake

I love everything about the lake.  It seems like the only place in the world where drinking Mountain Dew and eating Golden Oreos for more than 3-hours straight is not only normal, but expected.  I love how warm the water is.  I love watching Ross and Rayna jumping into the water… climbing back into the boat… jumping back out… climbing back in.  (Repeat as many times as possible each time to boat stops.)bDSC_0749n1
Should I give a disclaimer for this next picture? Yeah, that’s probably a good idea…  
By the age of 3, Matthew was on his dad’s shoulders skiing with him.  By the age of 5, Matthew was skiing alone.  He’s been slalom skiing (only one ski) since he was 8 years old.  Ross is also a natural in the water.  (Thanks to Cindy with Infant Swimming Resource, Ross has been swimming *without floaties*  since he was only a year old.) 

It seemed only natural that Matthew would get Ross out there with him the first chance he got.  The smile on Ross’ face said it all.  He LOVED it!   He had been watching Matthew jump the wake earlier in the day.  While skiing together, Matthew asked, “Ross- Are you having fun?”  Ross’ reply was, “Yeah, but when we gonna’ jump?”   


I remember sitting at Ryan’s Steakhouse one night when I was really young and telling my dad I wanted a pet pig.  The next day, I had the pinkest, cutest potbelly pig you’ve ever seen.  Within a few years, other family pets included: a skunk (deglanned, of course), a goat, squirrels, 3 English Mastiffs and, our personal favorite, ‘Rocky’ the raccoon.  My dad has always done whatever he could to make us happy.    

Although I’m sure he’d love to tube and ski at times, he’s always been the official boat driver.  Since this has been the memory of my dad at the lake for as long as I can remember, I thought I’d just take a picture of him just simply driving the boat.  Although he’s happy driving the rest of us, he’ll occasionally offer up some advice.  You may not be able to hear it through this picture, but he just told Matthew for the sixth time, “You can do what you want, but I wouldn’t be diving that deep without a life jacket on.”    

That’s my dad.  Quirky and fun, yet very cautious.  This is the same man who recently taught himself how to ride a unicycle, but decided he should wear a helmet when he rides it.  If you know him, you’ve gotta’ love him.        bDSC_0816n

I was about to put my camera away when I noticed Matthew and Rayna together up front.  As Rayna silently looked out at the lake in front of her, Matthew was gently rubbing that little, tiny foot that had found itself resting on his knee.  I’m a sucker for those sweet, tender and real moments.    bDSC_0776bw

Our day was almost over.  The sun had just began to set.  The most beautiful, golden glow was reflecting off the water all around us.   
I was sitting beside Matthew with the warm wind blowing in my face. 
As if it could get any better, I had the sweetest little girl sitting in my lap with her head heavily resting on my shoulder. 
I’m so glad Matthew got a picture of us together before our day was over.      bDSC_0807bw

Just for the record, we did have the perfect ending to our day at the lake: 
Patty melt plate, hashbrowns scattered, extra pickles. 
In case you have no idea what I’m talking about, I’ll be more clear…  Waffle House!     bDSC_0783n

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