
“20.9 in 2009”

I love making lists and setting goals, so naturally, I tend to get a little over-ambitious this time of year. However, I decided to do something a little different…

Instead of having lots of unrealistic goals, I decided to sit down and list the FIRST 20 GOALS that came to my mind.  Some goals are bigger (and harder) than others, but over-all, most are pretty acheiveable.  In addition to only focusing on my FIRST 20 GOALS, I’ve also decided to post them on my blog.  I look forward to blogging about each one as I scratch off my list!

I encourage all of you to start your own “20.9 in 2009” list!  Take a minute to email your friends and family YOUR OWN!  If you blog, facebook or myspace, post your goals there where others can follow your progress!

Feel free to take (copy/paste) my banner and use it however you’d like.  I just ask that you include a link to my blog (  When someone posts any link to my blog, I get a special notice where I too can follow other’s progress and goals!

Let’s have fun with our “20.9 in 2009” Goals!  If you’ve decided to join in, you can leave a comment where others can follow your goals too!

Oh, where did the name “20.9 in 2009” come from?  Well, as I finished my list, one particular ‘goal’ came to mind.  However, as I thought more about it, I really questioned whether it would ever really get done or not.  Because of this, I added one more goal, although it’s not important enough to be “21”.  (This “20.9” goal can be used if you have good intentions, but doubt you’ll get to cross it off your list!)

  1. Try new parks with Ross & Rayna
  2. Volunteer at 12stone
  3. Take a photography class on Lighting
  4. Become a better cook
  5. Read Bible
  6. Make time to R-E-L-A-X
  7. Become a better Myspace’r & Facebook’r 
  8. Plan a trip back to Arizona
  9. Sell our house in Phoenix
  10. Learn Lightroom
  11. Finish & print the book I started writing for Rayna
  12. Get back involved in NILMDTS for my area
  13. Schedule new family sessions in Arkansas during my visit in May
  14. Start (pre) pre-school material with Ross at home
  15. Less frumpy
  16. Find BALANCE:  wife + mom + photographer + everything else
  17. Get some “Lifestyle” photos of Granny (my great grandmother) 
  18. Start working on new ideas… new blog… new projects… new printing techniques…
  19. Find a way to teach Ross to make a difference
  20. Spend one-on-one time with Ross & Rayna individually|

(20.9. Exercise)

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I Need to Know!

I couldn’t be more excited about 2009! I plan to post a blog soon with some fun ideas, news, announcements and future-freebies. For now, however, I need to know what YOU would like to see more of in 2009. Please leave me a comment or, better yet, just place a vote or two on the poll below.

I want my blog to be a place you look forward to visiting each day. It’s up to YOU!

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Just a Bath… (Merry Christmas!)

I wanted to post a quick blog during Ross and Rayna’s nap and prior to our annual Christmas meal.  First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS to whoever is nice enough to actually check my blog on Christmas day!  Please leave me some blog-love (aka: a comment) where I’ll know you were here!  It always makes me happy to see you were checking for updates.

Since I can’t post a blog without posting a picture, and all of Ross and Rayna’s photos from this morning are still in my camera downstairs, I’ll leave you with an image I took over eight years ago in Ghana, Africa.  This picture kept popping in my head this morning as I thought about how blessed we all are.  It’s easy to get caught-up in the toys, clothes, food and activities, but I want to always remember the smile on this little boy’s face below.  Regardless of his only bath for the week being a cold and dirty one, he still seemed to be so grateful for the little he had. 

Count your blessings.
Enjoy the moment.
Take time to remember the true meaning of Christmas.


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High Hopes

I have a problem. Well, two problems, actually. The first thing I envision when thinking about a person, event, place or activity is the photographs associated with it. For example, when planning a vacation, instead thinking about how great it’s going to be to relax, I’m thinking about when, how and where I’m going to actually capture the images that have been stored away in my brain for months.

My second problem is that I am a very optimistic-visionary (aka: ‘dreamer’). Instead of thinking, “I can’t wait to get a picture of the beach,” I’m thinking, “I can’t wait to lay on my stomach to get that picture of the beach… with a huge sea shell in focus in front of me… while the waves crashing down will be out of focus in the distance.”
Typically, the result of this combination is me really getting my hopes up about these unrealistic AWESOME shots I want.

Enough background information.

Matthew had been out of town all week and we thought it would be fun to take the kids to see Santa when he returned. As we unloaded them out of the car, I was very excited about our little adventure. Camera already around my neck, here’s how ‘the shot’ had played out in my mind for the past four days we had been planning this trip. (Yes, I had been planning this shot for four days. I told you I had a problem.)

In my mind, Ross would be sitting on one of Santa’s knees. Rayna, instead of sitting, would be standing on his other knee. Ross and Rayna BOTH would be giving Santa a BIG kiss, make that at the EXACT same time. Oh yeah, Santa, in the middle of these two giant kisses, would be in the middle of the BIGGEST belly-laugh you’ve ever seen.  I would have gotten a really tight face shot and, by some miracle, I would have caught the sun’s glimmer in all three of their eyes. I was REALLY looking forward to sharing the above (incredible) photo on my blog.

Once placed on Santa’s knee, Rayna became a very unhappy camper and Ross acted like he was afraid for his life.

THIS is my long-awaited 2008 Santa-shot:

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A Little Boy in the Country

We had really good intentions when we woke up on Wednesday morning.  After we dropped off some hot lemon poppy-seed muffins at Grandmama’s house, we were going to the park and to the library for storytime and new library cards. 
But, as we were leaving Grandmama’s house, Ross spotted her lake.  Our plans were officially over.   The next hour was filled with bug-searching, rock-kicking and branch-swinging. 
I didn’t know what Ross was doing when he started running towards this old yellow trailer near the lake.  When he climbed up on it and dropped his pants, I was glad I had grabbed my camera.  This picture is funny to me because, in the middle of all of this land, he picked a platform to pee off of.     

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Hannah & Jason

This weekend was very special for me and my family.  Hannah (my sister) got married!  We are all very excited about their future together.

I’m glad Grandmama came in just a few minutes before the ceremony.  We had all forgotten about getting the veil on.With all of the pictures I’ve taken of Jason lately, I couldn’t help but notice how photogentic he is.  He’s the only person I know who can refrain from blinking, talking or licking his lips while the camera is shooting.Hannah and Jason wrote their own vows.  (I love it!) 
She is just putting the words in her head on paper before the ceremony.Hannah, my mom and myself.Right after he and my mom gave Hannah away, my dad played the guitar and sung, “I Loved Her First”  He did a great job.   

There’s nothing sweeter than a guy getting a little emotional while saying his vows.Hannah surprised everyone by singing Jason a song.  It was really sweet because, in his vows,
Jason had just talked about Hannah’s voice and how much he loves it.

This was right after they were married.  (I don’t know if I like the color version or black and white best.  I posted them both.  What do you think?)

Although it felt like it was ten degrees below zero, Matthew (Jason’s brother) came outside with me for a quick picture.  You can’t even tell how cold he was, can you?Why a picture of Matthew alone?  Ummm… I don’t have a good answer for that question.  I just thought he was looking especially awesome.  I wanted to share the love.Bye Hannah and Jason!  Relax, have fun and stay warm on your honeymoon!

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Ha-Ha and Jason

Okay, so her name is not really ‘Ha-Ha,’ but Ross has a way of making everyone want to talk just like him.  He can’t quite say ‘Hannah’ or ‘Aunt Hannah,’ so ‘Ha-Ha’ it is.  (You wouldn’t believe it if I told you how many times a day I hear, “Wat you doing, Ha-Ha?”)
Jason and Hannah really wanted to do photos during my last trip in October.  Unfortunately, it rained the only day I didn’t have back-to-back sessions.  Although it was VERY cold here last weekend, we didn’t have to worry about rain.  We went to a neat little place close to downtown Lawrenceville.  I really loved how old the buildings were. 
I’m using some of these images to design a signature board for their wedding this weekend.  If I remember, I’ll take a picture of the finished product to post.  I LOVE giving all my wedding clients a Signature Board.  I matte 1-3 of their favorite images from their engagement shoot, set up the large matte and photos on an easel at their wedding.  The guests use the pens to write a short but special message to the couple.  Matthew and I still get so many compliments on ours from seven years ago.

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