Is it just ME or is it a challenge to REMEMBER,PLAN,SCHEDULE, BRIBE,FIND THE RIGHT OUTFIT,CHOOSE THE BEST LOCATION ‘get’ good photos of your child each year?
Yes, there’s certainly challenges; but, there’s not much that warms my heart more than looking back at meaningful photos of my child from each year.
Birthdays are a great milestone for scheduling photos! It’s easy to remember each year and a fun way to document the child’s personality.
A few weeks before Ruthie’s birthday this year, I gave her three choices. (I learned a LONG time ago with my other ‘strong-willed child’ that, if I wanted success, I must offer choices!)
“Ruthie? Do you want your photos to be…?”
* fun, bright, downtown Bentonville, ice-cream, fountain
* sunset, field, dreamy
* real-life, pajamas, Rusty, swim, HOME
Guess what MY girl choose?!?!?

In case you need ONE more reason why “Lifestyle” Photography is AWESOME…
Guess what?!?! You aren’t allowed to over-think or plan outfits, locations or poses!