

My task was very simple.
Go hang-out with my childhood friend and her family in Arizona and, before I leave, update their family photo.

But here I am now… posting an entire page to JUST Riley!

It’s not my fault though!
Riley is kindJesus-lovingsmartthoughtfullovely… and, not to state the obvious, but beautiful! And if I need any more excuses, I was her first official photographer in the hospital after she was BORN!

Matt will soon get to update family photos in his office, but FIRST, I’m sharing just a few of RILEY’s photos!

For many, many reasons, I hope Riley will let me also come back NEXT YEAR to get even MORE photos for her SENIOR YEAR!

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Lake Life!

It’s ONE thing that we were invited by another family to stay at a beautiful lake-house.
But it’s ANOTHER thing that we all actually LOVE being around one another!

Playing in the water…
Being with family…
Eating good food…

Praise the Lord!

Here’s a few photos that Ross took! I LOVE them!

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Adam, Sarah and Ava

I have a confession.
Although I am working on being more outgoing by meeting new people at church, every time I see lil’ Ava sitting in service with her parents or grandparents, before I even realize it, I quickly bypass the visitors and head straight towards her adorable face!

So when Sarah reached out to say her family was due for updated photos, I was SO excited! I brought along RUTHIE ‘my new assistant.’ It was such a special night that I will always treasure!

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Scott & Lauren

I might have gotten in trouble (from one of the youngest kids in this family) for talking too much, but Lauren and I have a LOT of catching-up to do when we see one another each fall!
I’m so thankful to document and see them each year!

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Santa Rosa Fishing Trip

I’m not sure if it was the preponderance of avocado toast and charcuterie boards or all the little boys in linen jumpsuits, but a few years ago, Matthew and I realized almost instantly– 30A was WAY too boujee for us.

But when my parents recently invited my sister and I to ride with them to Santa Rosa for their fishing trip, you KNOW, boujee or not, us girls did NOT miss that chance for family fun at the beach!

No one should worry though…

After spending plenty of time in that gorgeous, clear ocean, we also hit up a Goodwill, ate a big box of Snicker Ice Cream bars in one night, rolled our eyes at a $100 candle, enjoyed onion rings as an appetizer and someone WET THEIR PANTS FROM LAUGHING SO HARD ‘made great memories.’

When we first arrived and I jumped off the dock into the inlet, a concerned neighbor came out and yelled, “I won’t even let my DOGS swim in that water!”

Whether or not the water was actually dirty, I’d stay there again JUST based on that gorgeous LIGHT that broke through those sweeping trees!

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Surprise Engagement… Kyle & Halle

There’s not much I love more than how photography captures sentimental memories forever. If you haven’t followed my blog for a while, here’s how it works:
It’s not uncommon for me to pull-out my hard-drives to not only reminisce about my OWN children’s growth, but my CLIENT’S children too! It’s such a joy to not only watch kids grow up, but document it as well.

I started taking photos of Halle and her family before she even hit double-digits. So when her fiancé, Kyle, texted about ME being there for her SURPRISE ENGAGEMENT, I was thrilled to get to be a part of their MOST special moment!

The entire evening was so fun!

When I got home, I pulled a few images of Halle over the years. I saw one with her dad, very similar to one we had randomly taken just a few hours earlier with Kyle. I thought it was a beautiful imagery of her being surrounded by LOVE!

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10 Reasons NOT to Homeschool

Contrary to how it sounds, this is NOT written to keep you FROM homeschooling. It is, however, reasons that kept ME from homeschooling for years. I’ll explain the 10 Reasons I put OFF homeschooling and what I learned when I actually took the leap!

Important Disclaimers:
* I have been homeschooling for three years, so I am not a professional.
* If you’re not a follower of Jesus, none of what I write will make sense. (1 Corinthians 1:18)
* I have experienced judgement and it HURTS. This is NOT CONDEMNATION on those who do not homeschool. Although homeschooling has been incredible for my family, it may not be desired, possible or even what God has called your family to do at this time.

    1. Choosing CURRICULUM

    This is a VALID concern. Between well-meaning friends, online information and companies selling their material, it CAN leave a person wanting to quit before they even begin. But God has a way of using others to help straightening our own path, right? (Proverbs 3:5-6)

    I had two pivotal people who walked me through one of my biggest homeschool challenges. My sister discouraged me from going with a popular program because she knew we would spend more time memorizing Shakespeare and less time hanging out with cousins. (Yes, it’s A-okay if one of your main goals is FAMILY TIME!) She also passed along several History books that ended-up making us EXCITED to learn each day!

    The other friend was SO gracious to allow all of us to sit down with her family and ask ANY questions. God really blessed me with this friend because, not only did we walk away with WISDOM and ENCOURAGEMENT, this friend ALSO let us borrow ALL the books we would need for the first year!

    Not only did they both help me take my first BIG step, they also lived-out verses such as Hebrews 13:16, John 15:12, Galatians 6:2, Matthew 5:42, Romans 12:13, Matthew 5:16, Proverbs 3:27, Matthew 24:44-45 and 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

    The moral of the story: Don’t let choosing curriculum hold you back from homeschooling. If you don’t already know someone, contact ME! I’ll be happy to share what I’ve learned and what others have shown me.


    I’m guessing even a mom with master’s degree still doesn’t feel ‘qualified’ to teach her own children- every single subject– every single day. There’s no denying that it’s a daunting task!

    But remember that disclaimer at the beginning? Well, here’s one REMARKABLE way we get to see the POWER of Jesus through homeschooling! As moms (or dads), there’s no way any of us have the education, skills, time, patience, love, kindness and forgiveness to successfully homeschool our children. However, look what God’s Word says:

    “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”” -1 Corinthians 12:9-10

    “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9

     “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:19

     “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” -Matthew 11:28-30

    The moral of the story: Don’t believe the lie that you have to have “what it takes” to homeschool. You do NOT have what it takes; but if you put your trust and hope in the Lord, He will equip, fill and sustain you!

    (On a more practical matter, if the subject is something you actually know you couldn’t teach well, there ARE great options. Consider a spouse, older sibling, co-op, family member, online curriculum, paying a tutor or trading subjects to teach.)

    3. SPOUSE (or child) NOT ON BOARD

    SPOUSE not on board:
    If your husband is not on board with homeschooling, I understand. There was a season when I wanted to homeschool, but Matthew did not. Although I did bring it up from time to time, I did not nag or argue with him. I prayed and the Lord soon changed his heart by sending others to help him understand all the benefits.

    If it’s your husband’s desire is for you to stay home and teach your children, what are you waiting for? 1 Peter 3:1-6 makes it clear, but so do THESE VERSES too. As Godly wives, we are are called to respect and submit to our husbands. (Plus, what a GIFT and PRIVILEGE!)

    CHILD not on board:
    I actually really worried about this one.
    Both of my daughters really wanted to do homeschool, but my extremely social son debated the pros AND cons. I explained all the benefits, told him he could make his own decision, then PRAYED the Lord would open his heart to homeschooling.
    In one sense, that was NOT wise of me. If I believed homeschooling was what was best for my kids and what the Lord was calling our family to do, by allowing a child to go against OUR wisdom was sinful and negligent of me.
    But the Lord was gracious! Ross now says he appreciated the option to choose for himself. I believe the Lord used that process (that could have easily backfired on us) for him to have ownership, a great attitude and a focus on all the wonderful things about homeschooling.
    If you DO believe the Lord is calling you to homeschool and your child is not on-board, I would say it’s no different than enforcing teeth brushing twice a day or wearing a seatbelt. The child doesn’t have to understand or agree, but they must trust and obey without grumbling.

    4. COST

    Although I was greatly blessed to borrow many of my books, I have also wanted several programs, but declined based on the high price. I understand how costly homeschooling could appear to be, but there ARE easy ways to get great material without going broke.

    Here’s a few:
    * Find FREE resources online (even ENTIRE curriculum!)
    * Utilize your library
    * Borrow from others
    * Buy used off eBay, Marketplace, etc.
    * Attend a local curriculum sale or swap
    * Stick to the basics (aka: That fancy program/software/notebook/curriculum is exciting, but NOT necessary.)
    * Many states offer reimbursement (up to a certain amount) for everything from books to horseback riding lessons.
    * Yard sales (I realize how crazy this sounds, but after completing our first year, I stumbled upon a retired school teacher’s yardsale. I had not yet chosen Ruthie’s science material for the upcoming year. But after going through her amazing teaching material, I left with EVERYTHING I needed to dive into the Human Body- all for less than $5!)

    5. NO (personal) TIME ALONE

    There’s countless resources on self-care tips and setting healthy boundaries, but it could be said that homeschooling IS a sacrifice. Whether you have one child at home or many, homeschooling means your day is no longer about what you need or want to do.

    But as Christ-followers, we are commanded: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” -Luke 9:23-25

    Instead of thinking about losing alone time, consider instead how the Lord will USE and BLESS the precious EXTRA time that you are gaining with your children!


    A veteran (and expert) homeschooling mother gave me this wisdom:
    “Whatever a family places an emphasis on, the child will most likely succeed in.”

    If a child is pulled out of public school to spend more time training for a sport, the extra training will most likely advance his/her skills. In the same way, homeschooling families will most certainly have extra time to focus on WHATEVER it is that your family values and chooses to pour into!

    Friendliness and social skills are both easily taught- regardless of whether you are in public school, private school or homeschooled. We use scripture to show the importance of loving others. We also use daily opportunities to grow our children in those areas.

    And speaking of SOCIAL SKILLS… I have been around plenty of children and teens who attend public or private school. Many are too preoccupied with their phone, texting, apps and social media to even talk to their friends… much less an adult! So, I smile when I hear the argument that homeschoolers are socially awkward. (Some… yes; but most of the homeschoolers I see each week are SO friendly, kind and very easy to talk to!)


    I was very surprised at how often me and my kids are with others! If my sister (who also does homeschool) wants to meet-up, it’s always a YES! My parent’s house is always a fun spot to hang out at too! But one of the BEST ways to combat loneliness is to find a great church with other homeschooling families! My church, Calvary Chapel Gwinnett, has an INCREDIBLE homeschool group! We meet twice a month, go on field-trips, plan activities, have guest speakers, learn from one another and have excellent educational opportunities for the children to learn, teach and grow!
    No matter where you live, there’s sure to be a homeschool group, church, co-op or other families nearby who would LOVE to connect!


    …or could get AHEAD!

    This is all about perspective and what you put INTO homeschooling. I know more families who have gotten AHEAD than fallen behind! I’m not just talking about skipping a grade, but actually starting dual-enrollment college classes in high school. (It takes a lot of determination and excellent record-keeping, but I even know several homeschool students who have earned their ASSOCIATES degree in high school!)
    Furthermore, homeschooling gives you the freedom AND time to cover the necessities, but ALSO the TRULY important topics that are NOT covered in public school: budgeting, changing a tire, changing the oil, cooking, sewing, CRITICAL THINKING, the BIBLE, home repair, starting a business, first aid, investments, interviews, survival skills and MORE!

    I understand this concern, so here are a few easy things I have done:
    * closely monitored and followed all state recommended/required classes for each grade
    * used books designed for the specific grade or higher
    * weekly and/or monthly tests in each subject (saving results/grades)
    * 3rd party testing to make sure we are always on track based on age and grade

    9. The “S” WORD

    Since the word “shelter” seems to have become a negative word, let’s look at synonyms:

    In the same way the Lord (our Father) does these things for us (His children), we are to use this model and God’s Word to also protect our children. There are so many incredible verses in the Bible regarding God sheltering us, but Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

    When our eyes were finally open to the reality of what was happening in public schools, God gave us peace about protecting our kids from it. Aside from waking-up so early and spending most of the day gone, there were more serious issues that slapped us in the face. Clubs that mocked God’s word were being exalted. Yet, one of our kids were reprimanded for using quoting scripture in a persuasive essay. We saw how government funding ruled over common sense and freedom. And even with elementary-aged students, there was also the infiltration of ‘smart phones’, talk of sex, pornography, self-harm, drugs, suicide and more.

    Our family talks very openly about all of the topics, but we believe it’s important to protect our kids from darkness becoming normal.


    The process may be difficult in some states, but in Georgia, it’s incredibly simple! (Click HERE for the information and form for Georgia.)

    I pray this is not only helpful, but ENCOURAGING to anyone who may be considering homeschooling. There have been plenty of long and tough days, but I can look back and see the Lord working through those times to help shape my kids AND USUALLY ME! I regret not starting earlier, but I’m SO thankful all my fears didn’t hold me back from taking the leap of faith!

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