If you know me at all, you already KNOW how much I LOVE the Smiths!
I want to be a part of anything they are doing, but ESPECIALLY when it involves an amazing Christian production, staying in the “coolest small town in America” and Amish country! Oh, and don’t forget great food and even better conversations!
Here’s a few highlights during our short (but very eventful) road-trip to Lancaster, Pennsylvania to see Sight & Sound’s production of “Daniel.”

Wanna’ guess how BIG Ruthie’s smile was when Hailey suggested they try to catch a duck together!?!? It made it even COOLER that Hailey is Ruthie’s most-FAVORITE Sunday School teacher EVA‘!

Forget big cities and flowers, if I could photograph one thing, I’d love to document the life of an Amish family. But since they are against photographs, I’ll have to settle for this one, quick shot from the road. (How gorgeous is their clothesline?)

Many Amish family sell produce, eggs, flowers and other items in front of their homes. Rayna is always laser-focused on plants, so she was excited to find these beautiful succulents to purchase!

Let’s do it again, but bring Ross along next time!