

It’s possible these last posts and images will make you want to quit your job, move to the country and spend every day enjoying the world through a child’s eyes.  At least, that’s what happens to me every year after I’ve spent time here on the farm.

This is of Ross and Rayna coming out of the cave together at Crystal Lake.  I could over-analyize how symbolic this image is to me in terms of Ross and Rayna facing the outside-world together.  I could go on, but I will spare you and just say I love this picture of them together.bdsc_01001
There are four things that are abundant here:  1.  horses   2.  chickens   3 & 4cows & flies  (see below)


Another trip to my favorite location.  Rayna loves her Granddaddy!bdsc_168 bdsc_0146Rayna in her Nana’s hat at the pool…bdsc_0137

 Here’s is a secret about how my strange brain works: 
No matter WHERE I am or WHAT I’m doing, I see everything in terms of photography. 
Confused?  Here are a few examples just from today:

  • I see a watermelon on the counter and instantly say to Michelle, “We need to take a picture of Kenslee eating a slice on the front porch with just a diaper on.”
  • We’re riding the 4-wheeler and pass a gorgeous open field with an over-aboundance of wildflowers.  It’s midnight and I’m STILL kicking myself that I didn’t take Rayna there for a few quick pictures.

Okay, you get my point.  Well, last month when I was here photographing a wedding, I barely caught a glance of these old mailboxes on an old dirt road.  I didn’t have my camera with me, so this trip, Matthew and I drove all around until I found those old mailboxes I fell in love with. 

Which brings me to my next image.  It’s old, which I love.  It’s country, which I love.  It paints a picture of simple times.  bdsc_0144

I have one more post, so check back soon!

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Good Times.

As we all sat around the kitchen table eating our vanilla ice cream and enjoying the quietness of the kids being outside, Michelle looks up with raised eyebrows and asks, “Is it just me or was today really weird?” 

Yes, I think it’s safe to say we’ve undergone a series of unusual events. 

  • The kids and I found a crying baby deer with 3 broken legs.  Matthew’s dad had to ‘take care of him’ (don’t ask!) while I tried to explain to the kids that Grandaddy was actually ‘helping’ the deer.  Tough concept for a 3-year old.
  • Austen and I decided to explore the rocks and caves at Crystal Lake.  I was about to take a short cut up a rock when I approached some type of medium sized animal who hissed at me behind a rock.  We quickly got back, but decided to send Matthew back for another look.  (I think we decided it was a very large and angry bird.)
  • Michelle found a baby bird during a horse ride.  He’s safe with his bird-family now, but the kids did get to enjoy him for a few minutes.  (See pictures below.)
  • We ‘broke-in’ the newest addition to Martin Farms.  Their newest horse, Cowgirl, did awesome as we put a saddle on her, led her into the horse trailer and put lots of weight on her back (ME!) for the first time.
  • Rayna decided she was tired of me and Matthew wasting time looking around Crystal Lake.  She moved over to the driver’s seat of the Ranger, jumped down to where she could touch the gas pedal… and away she went without us.   Luckily we caught-up with the Ranger and explained, “Although your dad and I drove early, 20 months is just too young to operate a moving vehical.  Maybe next summer.”
  • Oh, lastly, Michelle wrecked the 4-wheeler.  (And boy does she have the bruises to prove it!)

Okay, so it’s established:  We had a really wierd day.  Wouldn’t you agree? 

Since I can’t break my blog rule (‘Gotta post pictures!’), I’ll leave you with some from today…

Austen (my nephew and cave-exploring pal) and the tiny bird…bdsc_03761
One of my favorite places… Crystal Lake.  I’d really love to book some sessions here for next year.  It’s got some great backdrops, but most importantly, I’d love for my clients to be able to either jump in or wade through the creek like my kids always do.  (How pretty would that be?!?!?)
Gotta’ throw-in a picture of Rayna with her cousin’s John Deer cowboy boots on…

This place HAS to be my favorite hidden spot.  The first time I came here years ago, we were riding horses through the creek.  I was blown away by the beauty of the rocks, clear water and large rock walls.  The kids love catching fish and crawdads with the net.  Oh, we also spend a lot of time finding rocks and trees to jump off of.  I really like this picture of Matthew.  He’s the coolest guy I know.
Rayna’s happy just about anywhere there are snacks.
I take it back about Rayna being happy as long as she has snacks.  She was pretty happy out of the freezing-cold water and in her Granddaddy’s arms.  I LOVE that little girl!
Please excuse the wetsuits all of us (excluding the maverick Matthew) were wearing.  Actually, we all really love freezing-cold water.  (Honestly, it doesn’t bother us at all.)  We just randomly decided to try these wetsuits on right before getting in.  I guess we all forgot to take them off before easing into ice-cold stream. 
This moment happens all day long here.  Just last night as we finished dinner, we glance out the big windows and see Ross petting one of the horse in the pasture.  I LOVE life in the country!
I hear the 4-wheeler and Ranger outside.  That means it’s time to fill up the big bath with four kids under 4 years old.  Can’t beat a week in the country with all of the family together!

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Where am I?

Make-up is not required.  (Some days, it’s actually frowned upon.)
There are lots of kids running around.  (Most of which are usually semi-naked.)
Swimming holes keep the kids happy for hours.

We are at Matthew’s parent’s house! b1dsc_0006
Each year, ours and Michelle’s (Matthew’s sister) family spend a week in NW Arkansas.  The week is filled with adventures, good food and lots of little dirty hands and feet at the end of each day. 

Ross and his cousin Joseph were happy to help us out by getting some of the horses back into the pasture.
As you can see, some horses are a little more stubborn than others.bdsc_0206
Later that day, we took the kids to this incredible spot just down the road.  It’s filled with rocks, caves, rock walls, water holes, creeks and big bugs.  The PERFECT spot for 3-year old boys! b2dsc_0304

…PERFECT spot for little girls too.  There’s only one problem, the water is calling Rayna’s name and she’s not wearing a bathing suit.  Never fear!  Our kids are very happy in the buff.bdsc_0414

bdsc_0418Rayna is the best lil’ kisser in the world.  Matthew and I ask for them from the minute she wakes up until she lays down each night.  bdsc_0431
The boys found these hats in one of the bedrooms…
Matthew’s dad got his hat when he saw the boys having so much fun with theirs.  (Another good reason to always have your camera handy.  I really like this picture of them together.)
As our day started to wrap-up, Kenslee and I hung-out while everyone else rode the Ranger and 4-wheeler.  As you all know, I can’t hang-out with a happy baby, sitting on a beautiful wooden floor, without grabbing my camera and pulling her diaper off for a quick photo.

I have more pictures to post tomorrow!  Check back to stay updated on our little adventures!

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Have I said it lately…

…I LOVE my job! 

From the minute I woke-up on Tuesday, I looked forward to meeting this family for their session later that afternoon.  We had been rained out a few days before, so I was anxious to finally photograph them.  These kids were a-m-a-z-i-n-g !   Tons of hugs… and smiles… and laughs….

Gotta’ love Alex…bbdsc_0019n

Lots of love for Katie too…bbdsc_0055n
These kids LOVE each other!  This is not a pose.  They were this way when they first stepped out of the car.

Leah and her sweet little girl…bbdsc_0207bw
and adorable little boy…

I’m still loving these kiddies…

Another of Alex and that awesome smile…
I had to post {just} one more of Alex… 

Just one more of Katie…

Had a blast!  (Your online gallery will be uploaded by the end of the day!)

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A Delivery Room Session

Chris and Shauna found out they were pregnant last year.  At the time, I was living in Arizona.  Through emails, Shauna joked that they would fly me back to Georgia if I would be in the delivery room to capture every moment of their new baby’s first moments.  As it turns out, just a few months later a job moved us back to Georgia.  Shauna and I quickly began making plans for their special session.

I arrived at the hospital to find a waiting room FULL of friends and family waiting to meet C.J.   
This image summed-up Chris all night:  Supportive, sympathetic and pretty anxious to meet his baby boy.   bdsc_0251
Just minutes old…
Oh, yeah!  I didn’t expect to get a turn!

I love the way Shauna is looking at Chris in this image.  It’s like she realizes there’s no words for this moment.  She doesn’t have to say a thing for him to understand the intense love and emotion she’s feeling.  Her face says it all.bdsc_0293bdsc_0318
OUT-TAKES:  I apparently love seeing little boys peeing places they are not suppose to.  I had to post this image.  It makes me smile.bdsc_0152

Thank you SO much for asking me to share one of the most important days in your entire life!  Not only did I get to spend my evening doing what I love, I was strongly reminded of God’s goodness, love and miracles.

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“Uhm, Michelle… It’s time for pictures…again.”

Here’s the conversation I have with my sister-in-law’s voicemail each month:

“Uhm, Michelle… Yeah, I know you’re busy… but, it’s time for pictures… again.  It’s been over 4 weeks since Kenslee’s last session.  Soooo…. let’s make some plans.”  

It’s not completely normal to have your photographer bugging calling you every month to update your child’s picture, but I can’t help it!  I’ve got some cute nieces and nephews that NEED some camera-time each month!   

I love the catchlight in her eyes… I love the texture of the old bucket… I love those baby-fingers… I love the peacefulness of this image. 
It makes my heart happy.
The first time I saw this old bucket on my parent’s front porch, I already knew:  
Old yellow bucket + Kenslee (diaper-only, of course!) + big, open field =  

bdsc_0110Thank you for a FUN session, Kenslee!  I’ve got you on my schedule for your 8-month session!

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He’s Here!

I’m so happy to introduce Parker Ryland.  If you follow this blog, you will see a lot of Parker in the next 10-15 years.  He is not only my sister’s baby, he is Rayna’s new favorite “BABY!”   It will be all too soon when Parker is running around the house with Ross and Rayna.  Until then… enjoy some sweet newborn pictures from the hospital.   

As you can see from this picture in the hospital, he’s very alert.  (I love how he’s holding on to Hannah’s finger.  How sweet is that?)  bwdsc_0032-1
Hannah and Jason enjoying Parker…bdsc_0041bdsc_0091
Ahhhh… the smell of a newborn!  Can’t you smell that-baby-powder-skin….yummy-smelling-breath… ‘Yum’ isn’t the right word, but YUM!

Kissable lips… bdsc_0077
Hannah, Jason and Parker came over a few days ago for lunch.  I took a few more pictures of him while everyone else was at the pool.  bdsc_0027
I love old things.  My grandmother used these scales to make sure her babies were gaining weight.  The scales were then used by my mom for myself and Hannah.  Hannah and Jason recently used them to make sure he was getting enough to eat.  I love things that have been passed down and used by several generations. 
Sweet lil’ smile…

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