Jennifer and I met in kindergarten and have been friends ever since. When I go back to Arizona, it’s always such a treat to stay with her family. This time was VERY special! Keegan was born just a few days before I arrived.
After shooting two days in a row, my favorite method of relaxation was coming home, putting on my pajamas (even when it was only 2pm) and curling up on the couch with Keegan. Watching HGTV with a newborn baby on my belly was a vacation in itself!
We also took a few pictures of Riley and the family.
I love my-Riley-Roo-Roo.
Can’t wait to see you all again!
We love having you stay with us; it was so great to see you! The pictures are awesome, thanks so much!! Can’t wait until your next visit or until we can make it back there. We miss having you close by.