
Jack & Jenny

When you see Jack and Jenny, you’ll understand why I was so happy to update their photos again.
First off, can I show you why I love Jenny so much?   Before she gave me this shot…bDSC_0538n…she gave me these shots!
Untitled-2There’s just something about these kids I love.  I’ve tried to put my finger on it, but I think it all goes down to their incredibly wonderful and animated facial expressions. 

Here’s a shot of Jack from our session a year ago.  This was one of my favorite of Jack because it made me really wonder what he was thinking about.  DSC_6780 copyThis year, Jack and I were sitting alone talking about movies when he gave me the same look I feel in love with last year…
bDSC_0467nbwbDSC_0432nAre these kids beautiful, or what?!?!bDSC_0416n

This session was my last ‘official’ session from Arizona.  Thank you all who asked me to photograph you during my time back.  Meeting new families and photographing returning clients is one of the HIGHLIGHTS of my time in Arizona!

(For all of you who have emailed me about booking a session during my next trip to Arizona, I will keep you posted!  I plan to return again early 2010!)

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