
My Cute Cousin

Am I allowed to say my cousin is cute? 

Part of the reason Ryan is so cute to me is because, most importantly, he is also very nice, smart and sweet.  The other reason I think it’s okay to blog about his cuteness is because he reminds me so much of Matthew.  They did, afterall, spend most of their childhood together.   

Not only is Ryan cute, he also has a really big heart.  He loves animals- specifically his dog, Windsor.  Ryan has taken care of Windsor since he was a puppy.  Windor has had a great life; however, his health has recently declined.  So much, in fact, Ryan’s mom and girlfriend thought it would be nice to capture a few images of Ryan and Windsor together.   


Libby, Ryan’s girlfriend, came along for the shoot.  Speaking of cute…  
Libby is WAY too photogentic to not get some camera time!

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