
Good Intentions…

I always have good intentions for visiting my friends during trips back to Georgia.  But as much I’d love to hold their babies, hear about the new recipe they made last week or learn about their Small Groups, there seems to be a gravitational-pull that keeps my feet planted on Bowman Road.

Bowman Road isn’t just a street.  It’s where most all of my childhood memories were made.  Not only does it hold the only house I ever lived in as a child, but a narrow wooden bridge was built when I was a little girl that made a way for me to cross over the creek to my grandparent’s house.

If those were the only two homes on Bowman Road, that would be more than I ever deserved.  But, the rest of the road is filled with even more of my family who have also spent their entire lives also making memories on that street.  My great grandmother’s house is on this road and so is the the church where I was raised that she and my great grandfather built.

The new miles between Arkansas and Bowman Road have made the old memories there even sweeter than ever before.  But, it’s also given me a deeper appreciation for the new memories we continue to create in the homes and yards off that wonderful road…

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Yes, there’s friends I want to see…
Yes, there’s also clients I want to photograph…
(And, just as importantly, there’s shrimp and grits I want to eat…)
for right now, I’m having to say ‘No‘ to good things, in order to say ‘Yes‘ to GREAT things...

And watching my kids create their OWN memories on Bowman Road is, to me, one of the GREATEST gift I could ever ask for…


Remember the last blog post where I said I’m trying to be in more photos with the kids?!?  Well, I’m posting another example to ENCOURAGE the REST of YOU to do the SAME

I had my big (tricky) camera with me that takes some adjusting.  So, I asked my nephew to pose for me where I could get my settings right (this wouldn’t be an issue if you’re using your phone!) and I handed him my camera.

That’s it!  Super easy!  Now, when the kids look back on the trip to Georgia, they will know I was actually THERE with them!  austenDSC_1891b

No wonder she loves sleeping with Papa & GiGi so much…
She gets to stay up super-late, put on a bedside concert and sleep with a dog!crazyruthieDSC_1849b

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