
Sarah, Roberto & Melina

I’ve met a lot of babies, but I don’t think I’ve ever met a baby more fortunate and blessed than Melina.

Not only will Melina grow-up speaking two languages, traveling the world and experiencing many cultures, she will grow-up being surrounded by deep love and affection from everyone lucky enough to have met her.

But NOTHING makes Melina more blessed than the MOTHER God picked just for her.

I’ve known Sarah my entire life.  And as long as I’ve known her, I’ve NEVER heard her say one negative thing about anyone.  (I know that sounds far-fetched, especially in the middle school and high school years, but it’s true.)  There’s also NO one on this earth more selfless than Sarah.  And, as if being KIND and SELFLESS wasn’t enough, she has a heart for God and those less-fortunate.  She has dedicated her life to the children in Mozambique, Africa.

She and her wonderful husband Roberto are back in the United States for a few weeks and came by my grandparent’s house.  Even though it was really cold (especially for little Melina who is use to temperatures above 100 degrees!), we still found a few minutes to update their family photos!

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To learn more about the work Sarah and Roberto are doing in Africa, visit their blog:

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