When Matthew and I made the difficult decision to leave everything to pursue a slower and more intentional life, I felt God leading me to also take a break from the ONE thing that had consistently filled me with happiness, self-worth, purpose and passion- my photography business. Selfishly, I worried all of these wonderful emotions I’d grown so attached to would now be hidden away- just away like my camera.
But not wanting my move to be in vain, as quickly as I left a “busy” in Georgia, I greeted Arkansas with an excitement to chase hard after what was most important to me. The next five years certainly had some hard days weeks months ‘times’, but I believe God richly honored my time of being still. During that time, Matthew and I navigated through deep emotions that we tried to bury after a season of depression. I joined a Bible study and discovered a new way to parent that, not only changed my relationship with my kids, it changed my heart as well.
But even more important than my relationship with Matthew and the kids, the BEST change that came from this season was me deciding to {finally} make God a priority by reading His Word and talking to Him every day. {Despite feeling overwhelmed at times, I’ve had the privilege of reading through the entire Bible three times already!} I quickly realized all my selfish emotions that I feared would be stored away on the bottom shelf were graciously replaced with joy, love and meaning that could only come from knowing God in a personal way.
Although I treasure my season of stillness, as I watch my youngest start kindergarten, I pray this new season and extra time will give me the opportunity to, once again, pursue my passion- documenting children’s lives through photography. (Yes… I am EXCITED!)
Here’s a few sneak peeks for a family that is so special to me!
Jamie– I hope you enjoy! I can’t wait to share ALL of them with you today!
What a beautiful testimony of what God has done & is doing in your life & heart Christy. As person who also loves this family dearly & has literally watched both Sloan & Collins grow up, I can tell you that these pictures are amazing. You have captured their smiles, laughter, sweetness & tenderness with each other. I hope that you continue your journey back to your photography because these pictures are beautiful!