
Patrick, Kelli, Abigail and Audrey

Remember that crazy blog post a few months ago where I explained my family was moving to Arkansas?!?!  In that same post, although I said I was taking some ‘down time,’ I also knew myself well enough to know that could ALL change very quickly if I met a sweet family.  And that’s EXACTLY what happened…

I was at Starbucks when the girl sitting beside me took a chance and asked if I was a photographer.  We started talking and, when she asked if I was taking photographs here, I quickly and eagerly without ANY hesitation, said, “Yes!  Absolutely!”  Within a few minutes, we were talking about clothing, locations and her girls.  We were BOTH super excited!

And, I couldn’t have hand-picked a SWEETER family to have as my first in Arkansas… DSC_9730n copy girlies ap DSC_0132n DSC_0341b DSC_0480n copy DSC_9764b fam family kelli kelliabigail pk sisters throw DSC_0124b Untitled-1

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