
High Hopes

I have a problem. Well, two problems, actually. The first thing I envision when thinking about a person, event, place or activity is the photographs associated with it. For example, when planning a vacation, instead thinking about how great it’s going to be to relax, I’m thinking about when, how and where I’m going to actually capture the images that have been stored away in my brain for months.

My second problem is that I am a very optimistic-visionary (aka: ‘dreamer’). Instead of thinking, “I can’t wait to get a picture of the beach,” I’m thinking, “I can’t wait to lay on my stomach to get that picture of the beach… with a huge sea shell in focus in front of me… while the waves crashing down will be out of focus in the distance.”
Typically, the result of this combination is me really getting my hopes up about these unrealistic AWESOME shots I want.

Enough background information.

Matthew had been out of town all week and we thought it would be fun to take the kids to see Santa when he returned. As we unloaded them out of the car, I was very excited about our little adventure. Camera already around my neck, here’s how ‘the shot’ had played out in my mind for the past four days we had been planning this trip. (Yes, I had been planning this shot for four days. I told you I had a problem.)

In my mind, Ross would be sitting on one of Santa’s knees. Rayna, instead of sitting, would be standing on his other knee. Ross and Rayna BOTH would be giving Santa a BIG kiss, make that at the EXACT same time. Oh yeah, Santa, in the middle of these two giant kisses, would be in the middle of the BIGGEST belly-laugh you’ve ever seen.  I would have gotten a really tight face shot and, by some miracle, I would have caught the sun’s glimmer in all three of their eyes. I was REALLY looking forward to sharing the above (incredible) photo on my blog.

Once placed on Santa’s knee, Rayna became a very unhappy camper and Ross acted like he was afraid for his life.

THIS is my long-awaited 2008 Santa-shot:

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