In attempts to get Ruthie to sleep in her own room, I thought it would help to hang some of her favorite photographs on her wall above her bed. This was an easy project (directions at the end), so I thought I’d share in case others were looking for fun ways to display their own family’s photos!
I would love to report that Ruthie is now gazing-up at her new photo display and falling fast-asleep in her OWN bed each night. BUT, unfortunately, that has NOT been the case. After completing this project, she’s NOW saying she can’t sleep in her own room because, “My love Rayna TOOOOO much!”
Oh, well! Her room may be empty, but at least it’s colorful!
TIPS: Using Photoshop, I cropped her favorite photos into a square. Then, moved each image to the top of a new, white 5×7 image to save and send to my lab. If you don’t have photo editing software, no problem! Just upload your favorite prints to your favorite lab. Choose a square format (like 3×3, 4×4 or 5×5), crop yourself and print! Then, just cut white card-stock in the (rectangular) shape of a Polaroid print and glue! I bought bright string and tiny, colorful clothes hangers from Hobby Lobby to add more color.