Our “Memories & Adventures”: Summer 2014 Video

What a summer! There were certainly difficult days, but, SOOOOOO many wonderful memories, places and adventures that I want to remember forever! So, here’s just a few from our move to Arkansas, family vacations, tears, frogs and lots of craziness in between… OR, youtube link:     Here’s my family’s SUMMER 2014 video!     

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Robbie, Marcy & Tinsley

I have to admit… Right before sending the “First to Know” email to my clients in Georgia about my upcoming visit back,  I got VERY nervous that no one would be interested.  However, I got the BIGGEST smile on my face when, very shortly after pressing ‘send‘,  I received a text message from Marcy.  She...

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Chau, Melissa, Hayden and Harper …and Kingston!

My last ‘official‘ session before we start our new adventure… Couldn’t think of a better place to be than playing with Hayden, Harper and their newest family member… Thank you, Melissa and Chau!  I always love photographing your family, but, being at your home and just letting the kids play is ALWAYS my favorite!

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Hadley’s Special Dress

On the walls of Hadley’s beautiful home are lots of photos that tell her parent’s story… There’s a photograph of an empty beach with “Will You Marry Me?” written in the sand. But, more importantly to a little girl who loves to dress-up, there’s photos of her mom in a dress WAY fancier than all...

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“This may sound weird, but, can I please take your picture?”

Matthew encounters a lot of ‘interesting’ people when he travels.  But, as he told me about one particular person he had met on a recent flight, I quickly became very intrigued with this man’s occupation… He was a blogger.  (Which was already way-cool.) But, he blogged his drawings.  (Even cooler.) But, the people in his...

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Paige & Michael’s LIFESTYLE SESSION (Part 2)

As promised, I saved my favorites from the Ewing “Lifestyle Session” for a second post… If you’re interested in hearing more about a “Lifestyle Session” for YOUR family, please email or call me anytime! This is also available as a GIFT for  your spouse, friend or someone you love!

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