Category Archives: FAMILIES

Happy Birthday, Libby!

Happy Birthday, beautiful Libby!

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Kyle, Jamie, Sloan and Collins

When Matthew and I made the difficult decision to leave everything to pursue a slower and more intentional life, I felt God leading me to also take a break from the ONE thing that had consistently filled me with happiness, self-worth, purpose and passion- my photography business.  Selfishly, I worried all of these wonderful emotions...

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Halle & Emma

Photographing a child is truly my dream-come-true.  But being asked year after year to document that child’s unique stages and personality is beyond words! Seven years ago, I photographed Halle and Emma for the first time.  Since that time, we have played in a field, done cartwheels and explored downtown together.  Although a lot of...

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Cohen, 8 months old

The idea of JOY is absolutely fascinating to me. I’ve had wonderful seasons where I experienced true JOY every single day. I’ve also had seasons where I was numb; yet terrified I would never, ever feel joy again. I’ve had times when I’ve allowed comparison to steal my joy. Ironically enough, I’ve also witnessed many...

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The Tangs

It was a cold morning in Georgia and the winds were stronger than I had ever remembered.  I considered calling the Tangs before their session, but I knew this was our only day to capture the family photographs she had waited so patiently for.  Before pulling into their driveway, not only did I specifically pray...

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The Floyds

There was no reason for me to be nervous.  Not only was I getting to photograph my FAVORITE subject (children), I’ve enjoyed photographing Meredith and Nick before and consider them friends.  Yet, I was STILL anxious for some reason. As I talked to my sister on the phone about my feelings, she reminded me about...

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Thipp & Addison

I may not always remember how old I am or how much my kids weighed at birth, but I DO remember all of my photography sessions.  Each one has been special; but, naturally, there are a few which marked me in a deep way. Despite the fact I was in a depression so severe all...

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