As I wiped-off the kitchen table and picked-up pieces of watermelon off the floor under Ruthie’s highchair, my mind was preoccupied with even MORE things I needed to do before bedtime. I had just started to load the dishwasher when I heard Ross and Rayna’s laughter coming from the backyard.
Even though I’ve witnessed this same sight many, many times before, I still couldn’t help but wonder how much longer something as simple as bubbles would keep them running, happy and laughing in the backyard together.
So, I left the dirty dishes in the sink, got my camera and just sat down and enjoyed watching them play…
I would love to think these moments will last forever. But, in case they don’t, I want to always remember the summer days when simple bubbles supplied enough laughter to last an entire evening!
That made me tear up, thinking about how quickly they grow up:( Love the pictures!!!
I love these pictures and the thoughtful introspective comments that go along with them. I am so glad you took the time out of your overfilled schedule to enjoy the “bubble show”. I love y’all.