
San Francisco… Food, Matthew & More

In my last post, I talked about one of my favorite places in San Francisco being the Saturday morning market. 

Here’s THE mystery of my trip:  Matthew actually preferred THIS (1lb pear)…DSC_0348n

to this…ckn
As I post these pictures, I noticed a common-theme: 
Why I Love Matthew’
1.  He enjoys me taking pictures of him acting like he’s hanging over a large body of water.  (If I would have taken the time to crop the grass out below his feet, this picture might be a little less-weird.)

2.  He can take a quick look at a totally confusing map in a new city and, without a second thought, have the rest of our day planned out.  (Since I have NO sense of direction, I am VERY impressed with this!) DSC_0395n
3.  He’s a loyal fan.  He’s been a San Francisco 49er fan as long as he can remember.  (All of his school pictures are of him wearing his 49er shirts.)  Since the team has had better years, he’s always getting the question: “Growing up in NW Arkansas, how did you ever become a ‘9er fan?” 

This was our first 49er HOME game together.  It was great to see him in his element.  Even this little guy was a huge fan…DSC_0483n
4.  He likes carrying on our strange traditions.  We started this on our first ski trip together in Colorado.  Some of our favorite shots:  feet in the sand (honeymoon), feet at Eiffel Tower in Paris, feet together in hospital bed hours after Ross was born.   Anyways, I always seem to forget.   I love that he always remembers…. 

 5.  He tries so hard to ‘compose’ and ‘focus’ his pictures correctly.  Since it was my 30th birthday, I got to be the subject.  There were about six before this shot where the bricks were completely in focus, but I was un-recognizable.  But, he did it!DSC_0529bw
6.  As Matthew lays in my lap right now watching football, I am typing this blog and asking him, “Did people clap or yell as you drove down Lombard Street?”  Without looking away from the t.v., he says, “I think they were screaming, ‘Get out of the way!  That guy has no brakes!’ ” 

Yep.  That’s why I love going on trips with Matthew.  Most people drove about 5-12 MPH down the  “the crookedest street in the world.”  I’m so use to his driving, I didn’t think anything about how fast we were taking the turns.  Until, however, we got to the bottom and people acted like we had just broke some type of record getting down.  DSC_0261n

Before we raced down Lombard Street, we drove our rental car down the Highway 1 coastline. 
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I have a ton more, but I’m going to finish up with a few random details from the trip that reminds me of one of our new favorite cities…

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