

There are good things and bad things about doing a session with my sister.

I’ll start with the GOOD ONES:
1.  She forgives me when I get to the location and realize my camera is still at home.  (Yes, that really happened last week.  No, it’s never happened before.  Yes, I had a really good excuse.)
2.  It’s actually okay for me to wear sweat pants and no make-up to her session.
3.  As she feeds Parker graham cracker to make him happy, all I have to tell her is that I skipped breakfast and lunch and could really use some snacks myself.  And, believe it or not, with the camera in my hand as I continue to shoot, she doesn’t mind feeding me in, basically, the same way she’s been feeding her 18 month old.  (It may look or sound a little strange, but, honestly, it’s a great perk.)

Wanna know my FAVORITE THING about doing a shoot with my sister?!?!

4.  It means I’m photographing Parker!

Since I shared the great things, I guess it’s only fair I share the most difficult things about doing a session with Hannah:
1.  She demands to hold my camera the entire way home and look through every single image.
2.  She typically yells something like, “Oh my gosh!  I just erased all of the pictures!” (The joke worked the first few times, but now it’s just annoying.)

(Ready for, HANDS-DOWN, the MOST DIFFICULT thing?)
3.  Most of the time Rayna comes along with me.
Most of the time, Rayna needs me to hold her the entire time.
Most of the time, I can hold her, make Parker laugh and manage to still hold my camera and take decent photos.

But when I finally have to set her down, this is the face I get the ENTIRE time…

I always look forward to my next session with Parker!  He is sweet, funny and the cutest little thing ever!  Don’t you think so?!?!

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