
Quick Update

I’ll write lots more later, but I’ve gotta keep this post short.  I’m in the middle of Go Diego Go,  several orders and a house full of moving boxes.   No, that is NOT a type-o…  I said MOVING BOXES.

Long story short:  We found out on Friday we will be moving to Georgia with a new job Matthew accepted.   I have tons of things I want to share about it, but for now, I just wanted to update everyone.

If you had a session last weekend, your Sneak Peeks and gallery will be ready soon.  I have a special session tonight (Rayna and our friends Aaron & Hayley) and four more this weekend.  Stay tuned…

Meanwhile, the main reason for this post:  If you’d like to take advantage of my super-quick turn around process for getting your prints and enlargements ordered, please have your order to me by Tuesday, November 18th.  Otherwise, all orders will be placed the following week when we arrive in Georgia.

I can’t wait to share more details later!

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