Last month was kind-of strange. I had great intentions to use January (the slowest photography-month) to organize, catch-up and try some new recipes. None of those things happened.
But there was one thing I KNEW would get done in January: SUN & TONS of PICTURES! Each year Matthew’s company has a sales meeting and spouses are invited. It’s the one week out of the year I actually eat sitting down, watch as much Food Network as I want and get to sleep later than 7am. Although I knew I would miss the kids big-time, I was really looking forward to this trip. But, keeping with the weirdness of January, even our CRUISE was a little different than I expected…
As I headed out the door with my travel bag, I grabbed the stack of notes and papers on my desk. This stack is a collection of ideas, projects and ‘To Do’ lists that has collected from the past year. But with all the eating and laying-out, I was pretty hopeful all those ideas and plans would be forgotten in the side pocket of my bag.
When Matthew left our room for his first sales meeting of the week, instead of heading out to claim my chair by the pool, I decided to take a quick look at my 2010 list. I began to read through all of the big ideas and goals I wanted to make happen in 2010. As I started reading through my goals, although I knew I could make these thing happen, I realized there would be a LOT of time involved in carrying each one out.
Which made me think of a great quote: ‘Kids Spell Love T-I-M-E’
Although I came on the trip with some great ideas for brides, delivery rooms and preschools this year, I made a big decision that morning to really focus on what I love to photograph the most and, most importantly, not get too busy with my ‘work’ that I overlook all those little moments in my kid’s daily lives.
Weird trip…
Not much sun.
Hardly any pictures.
Really great clarity only quiet-time can bring.
Just to prove we were actually on a beach, here’s a quick shot of Matthew in Grand Cayman…
On to one of my favorite things…
I love Tiramisu. Besides vegetable soup and brocolli casserole, it’s probably my favorite food.
After waiting four nights for it on the cruise, I savored each of the entire 4 minutes it took me to eat mine and Matthew’s piece.
Then, I was thrilled to see it on the lunch menu the next day. I ate two more pieces.
I got to my room and decided, since I hadn’t taken any pictures on the trip, I’d take one for my blog. So, I went back to the restaurant and had 2 more pieces. (You’re welcome!)
There are still plenty of professional goals I have for this year. Most importantly, I want to focus on my favorite subjects to photograph: KIDS & FAMILIES! While there’s plenty of time to make more of my professional dreams happen, there’s only a few years left where Ross will want to play on the floor and Rayna will let me sit for hours and play dollhouse. Those are the moments I look forward to in 2010!
I love it. Your priorities are DEFINITELY in the right order, Christy, and your family will love you for putting them first. And lets face it… thats a decision you will NEVER regret!
Tiramasu is my favorite! Next time we hang out, I think we must include some:)
[…] To see photos from last year’s Sale’s Meeting, CLICK HERE! […]