This session was everything I love about my job and more…
I got to photograph one of the cutest little girls I have ever seen.
Her big sister even came along to keep us both entertained.
We laughed more than we actually took pictures.
We had such a fun time. I really considered taking them both home with me.
She is the most beautiful little girl EVER!
I love MiMi SOOOO much. You can really see who she is in all the pictures. Sweet, shy and playful all wrapped into the prettiest package. I am so blessed to have her right next door, She is such an absolute doll. Oh yeah, and she feels the same way about me;) Purest Talent Christy, you totally capture Mimi essence.
Well, I am biased (eventhough she not from my genes) she is my daughter and she is absolutly gorgeous!!! Christy, work that talent God gave you, girl!!