I always looked forward to the day when Rayna would get her ears pierced. Although we really considered doing it when she was a baby, we thought it would be fun to wait until she could understand and ask to have it done.
Because I had envisioned taking her when she was 3 or 4 years old, I was very surprised when she woke-up one morning with her mind already made-up. Unlike most mornings where she’s happy staying in her comfortable pajamas, she jumped out of her bed and eagerly started to get herself dressed. By 7:20am, she had her shoes on and was pointing to her ear saying, “Ears Pierced.”
Just a few hours later, eleven people stood in a very small corner at Claire’s watching Rayna’s big moment…
She cried and cried and cried. She also yelled, “Go. Please!” Luckily, the chocolate chip cookie afterwards and her sweet support group made everything better!
Aww. 🙂
That is so neat that you waited to get her ears pierced! I did the same thing with my daughter but she hasn’t asked to have hers pierced yet!