2 random things about me…
1. For the most part, I hate forwards.
2. It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud.
1. For the most part, I hate forwards.
2. It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud.
Now, after saying that, I have to share a forward I received from my mom. Maybe you’d have to know her to appreciate her responses, but, these made me laugh so I thought I’d share…
Silly facts about ourselves (fun)
** Odd things about you! Press the forward button, FILL IT OUT and pass
it on and return it to the person that sent it to you!
1- Do you like bleu cheese salad dressing? Yes, but only with Buffalo wings and celery.
2- Do you own a gun? Yes, several.
3- What’s a favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee house? I don’t drink coffee.
4- Do you get nervous before a doctor’s appointment? No
5- What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
6- Can you do pushups? No, unless you are talking about the Orange Ice Cream kind; I can do about 3 of those.
7- What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? My rings
8- Favorite hobby? Cooking
9-Do you have A.D.D? No, I have L.A.Z.Y
10- What’s one trait that you hate about yourself? I love to eat and hate to exercise (that may be 2 traits)
11- Three thoughts at this exact moment? I will be glad when I get home. Need to study Paralegal books. I have a headache.
12- Name 4 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Tea, Diet Coke – that’s only 3 but that’s the only things I drink.
13- Current worry right now? Would not want to worry anyone else and Paralegal class.
14- Current hate right now? Economy
15- Favorite place to be? Home
16-Do you like to travel? Yes, but I am very happy at home.
17- Name three people who will complete this? Christy and Hannah and ?
18- Do you own slippers? 3 pairs, but I can only find one shoe of each pair.
19- What color shirt are you wearing? Pink
20- Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No
21-What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today? I wish Randy did not snore.
2- Do you own a gun? Yes, several.
3- What’s a favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee house? I don’t drink coffee.
4- Do you get nervous before a doctor’s appointment? No
5- What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
6- Can you do pushups? No, unless you are talking about the Orange Ice Cream kind; I can do about 3 of those.
7- What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? My rings
8- Favorite hobby? Cooking
9-Do you have A.D.D? No, I have L.A.Z.Y
10- What’s one trait that you hate about yourself? I love to eat and hate to exercise (that may be 2 traits)
11- Three thoughts at this exact moment? I will be glad when I get home. Need to study Paralegal books. I have a headache.
12- Name 4 drinks you regularly drink? Water, Tea, Diet Coke – that’s only 3 but that’s the only things I drink.
13- Current worry right now? Would not want to worry anyone else and Paralegal class.
14- Current hate right now? Economy
15- Favorite place to be? Home
16-Do you like to travel? Yes, but I am very happy at home.
17- Name three people who will complete this? Christy and Hannah and ?
18- Do you own slippers? 3 pairs, but I can only find one shoe of each pair.
19- What color shirt are you wearing? Pink
20- Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? No
21-What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today? I wish Randy did not snore.
Too freakin funny!!!!