
Cohen, 8 months old

The idea of JOY is absolutely fascinating to me.

I’ve had wonderful seasons where I experienced true JOY every single day.
I’ve also had seasons where I was numb; yet terrified I would never, ever feel joy again.
I’ve had times when I’ve allowed comparison to steal my joy.
Ironically enough, I’ve also witnessed many times when my own greatest joy was found in giving away joy to others.

Although I have not mastered the recipe for JOY (which I’m convinced includes God’s will, unique gifts and passions, emotional well-being and loving others), I know what JOY feels like to me:

Dropping by my cousin’s house for a few minutes to hang with her and take a few pictures of Cohen!  So, so fun!

CMP_3031nCMP_2980nCMP_3056bCMP_3003nlibbyCMP_3051nbcCMP_3128bbcohencuddleNo matter the season, for the past five years, I’ve been intentional to make a note of what brought love, joy or happiness to my day.  Here’s the wonderful journal I use:  “The Happiness Project”.

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